This blog attempts to collate various materials in connection with the year 1735.


Edward Miller

A writer of hymn tunes, Edward Miller was born in 1735 (he died in 1807). His most famous tunes are Galway and Rockingham. Ap­prent­iced to his father, a pav­ior (a lay­er of pav­ing stones and the like), he ran away to stu­dy mu­sic. At one time he was a flaut­ist in Han­del’s or­ches­tra. He played the or­gan for 50 years at Don­caster Church, and com­posed hymn tunes and harp­si­chord so­na­tas. Cam­bridge Un­i­ver­si­ty award­ed him a doctor­ate in 1786. His works in­clude: The Psalms of Da­vid Set to New Mu­sic, 1774 Elements of Thorough-bass and Com­po­si­tion, 1787 The Psalms of Da­vid for the Use of Par­ish Churche­s, 1790 Thoughts on the Present Per­form­ance of Psalm­o­dy, 1791 The Psalms of Watts and Wes­ley, 1801 Sac­red Mu­sic, 1802 History of Don­cas­ter, 1804

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